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Places to Eat

Desert Bistro
Desert Bistro has a menu that features a plethora of options. It is separated into appetizers, salads and main course. Main dishes include pasta, beef tenderloin and lamb, among other options. This restaurant has seasonal hours and takes reservations so be sure to check ahead before visiting.
98 Center Moab
98 Center Moab is a local restaurant that offers asian-fusion dishes. The menu is diverse and includes salads, sandwiches, bahn mi nachos and a classy drink menu. This restaurant has seasonal hours so check ahead.
II Posto Rosso
If you're looking for some good Mediterranean food, the II Posto Rosso is the place to visit. The menu centers on modern, coastal Mediterranean food that is steeped in fine proteins and accompaniments. All ingredients are from local farms, gardens and ranches. The homemade dishes feature a region-inspired twist.
Moab Menu Guide
There are many excellent places to eat in Moab. Check Moab Menu Guide to learn more about the various options in town.